
Colorful village school (part 3), Pirkanmaa, Finland

Last rooms were different from others. They were messy and full of bottles so I was wondering if some homeless alcoholic had lived there. But it could have also been a same person who made all the beautiful paintings. Or someone else, who knows. Also the atmosphere was different from the other side of the house - more sleepy, timeless and melancholic. Maybe it was because the sun didn't reach to these rooms. On the corner of an old magazine was a note "11.05 a.m call Lisu just to say I love you".
   In a kitchen were another message next to window: "Kekkonen's (President of Finland 1956-1982) borzoi has chewed these window frames". I spent a moment trying to recognise finnish plants from a picture on the kitchen table.
   Outside I found a cute collection of nature stones, rusty rake and various shapes painted by the afternoon light. I found the outside toilet with a rag rug, wooden surroundings and nature light much more cosy than for example my own bathroom.


  1. En nyt tiedä miten koitoisaa olis istuskella tossa pöntöllä vieri vierässä kahden muun tyypin kanssa... :D Mutta vau, vähänkö siisti paikka! (Kokonaisuudessaan, ei vaan vessa :D )

  2. Nojoo se oli ehka se miinuspuoli :D Mut jooo niimpa, yks upeimpia paikkoja mihin on paassyt, toivottavasti tallasia sattuis matkan varrelle viela paljon lisaa!<3

  3. Mulla tuli elävästi mieleen kolme pikku kyläkoulun oppilasta pyllyt paljaina tossa pöntöllä istuskelemassa, ei se ehkä niitten mielestä niin kamalaa oo ollut, vaan kiva ku on ollut seuraa :--D

    1. Niin mäkin aattelin, kyl mekin aina ala-asteella käytiin samassa vessakopissa kaikkien tyttöjen kaa :D

    2. Ja vähän isompina sit baarin vessassa. :D
